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legal claim中文是什么意思

用"legal claim"造句"legal claim"怎么读"legal claim" in a sentence


  • 合法竞争


  • An eldrly woman yesterday made a legal claim against a department store
  • If a legal claim is not enforced , it lapsed after a certain number of years
  • I have found no record of his ever paying or repaying money to anyone who did not have a legal claim upon it
  • 17 the commencement by the jv of any litigation or arbitration against a third party , and the settlement of any legal claims involving the jv and a third party
    如果某方违反本条款,违约方必须付给对方“职位安置费” ,其金额为该雇员现有年收入的百分之百
  • As a lawyer , your goal is to convert the facts from your client ' s narrative into a legal claim that states a cause of action , or into a viable defense to plausible legal claims
  • Nowadays a lot of countries have confirmed third person ’ s infringement of claim system on legislating and judicial legal precedent , in order to safeguard the realization of creditor ' s legal claim and sanction of third person ' s illegal activities
  • 6 the legal claims including present , future , actual and contingent claims by or against the land development corporation and judicial proceedings instituted by or against the land development corporation that existed immediately before the commencement of parts ii to viii , do not abate by reason only of the fact of the repeal of the land development corporation ordinance cap . 15 , and the authority is substituted for the land development corporation in any proceedings pending before any court or tribunal
  • Bereaved partners who are not married are often badly affected by the wills left by the deceased , it said : " without a joint ownership agreement or a valid will , the non - owning co - habiting partner may have no legal claim on a property on the death of the owning partner regardless of the period of time they resided in the property together , " it said
    伴侣死亡但还没结婚的人经常被死者留下的遗嘱所严重影响,报告说: “如果没有一份联合的所有权协议或有效的遗嘱,不管他们在房产里共同生活了多久,在拥有财产的伴侣死后,非所有人的同居伴侣没有资格得到该房产。 ”
用"legal claim"造句  
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